And hello new Transbay Terminal!! KL and I took a tour of the old terminal today and saw some of the features that had been covered up for the past decade or so. These included a small jail cell for KL, restaurants, and bar.
I saw this lady with a vacation to the Windjammer Landing today on Regis' show. I want to go back there sometime and need to send in my info to the show! Great times were had at that resort!!
We had a fantastic dinner at Farallon with Jenny Miller Lite's parents The Judge and Mrs. The Judge. Even Erin made a guest appearance (with cereal boxes in tow)!
We had another fantastic long brunch down in HMB with David's family. Even M&L were able to make it! Before heading to the house, we saw KH's new boat and DA had to wrestle some people for the right to order some crab.