About Me

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lightnings and Newsoms

Probably the only time we'll see these names on the same page!

TJ in the Chron

I was surprised to read an actual recap of the Blues win in OT in the Chron and even more surprised that they were able to throw in a quote from TJ!

Pinelli Invades SF

We had a great time at the Marriott and then Trigger last week with our good buddy CP from Toronto. The halftime entertainment was delightful!

Francis Scott Key would be proud

The Pacquiao-Clottey fight last night was pretty uneventful and we'll probably remember it most for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders singing the national anthem.

Dog or Horse?

After a fantastic dinner at Local last week, we had an impromptu little party at Ozone and ran into a couple that were chilling out on the patio with their dog. At least we think it was a dog.

New Roommates

Franky wanted to introduce himself to our condo's newest residents. I just hope it take him awhile to figure out that the top can come off the aquarium.

Hunn's Party

MH threw a pretty fun party last weekend for his choice for District 8 Supervisor. The view from his place was awesome and he was able to rustle up some fine fried artichoke raviolis for us all. I think TZL and I ate about 100 of them!

Bearded God

Interesting piece of artwork hanging in a restaurant.

Farewell ARYx

It was a fun 6 years!!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Karate Master

If I were to sign up for karate lessons, I would want this guy to be my teacher.


US Democracy in "Action"

Just another day in Congress...

Charles Jackal

Another Oscar winning role for JB!

Pop Up Book

I know a few people that would love this book.

I'm About to Pass Out

Fog City Wrestling Action

What a great time we had at the FCW event! Lots of wild action and crazy fans! We thoroughly enjoyed the guy dancing in the skeleton suit and the white haired lady yelling at all the wrestlers "I've hated you your entire career!" We even saw a guy that looked like AR's dad. Awesome show!