Saturday, February 28, 2009
Calling all Leggs!!

Toilet paper beats Humvees

Why Darwin didn't consider inheritance

Friday, February 27, 2009
Year End Sale in February??
Busted Speeding in a Prius

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Dog Food or Pate??
Only Calories Count

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Spiral Echoes Exhibit at City Hall

Darwin's Legacy

No good without coffee
Topless Coffee Shops??

The Grand View Topless Coffee Shop just opened up in
Casting call tonight for Paris' new BFF

The Evolution of Pong

This cartoon reminded me of how old school I am when it comes to video games. I remember when the first Pong game came out. The controllers were HUGE, the action was slow, and the TV was probably a 12” black and white. But, we could sit there for hours playing that stupid game. I wonder how many kids these days even know about Pong! Now, I can’t even figure out how to get past the first level of these action-filled killing video games or even complete at pass with an NFL game. It’s probably for a lack of interest these days (I hope), but I can still kick ass playing Galaga and Ms. Pac Man! The classics will never die! NEVER!
Marionberry gets squashed in Oregon

Yesterday, the state of
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Indian Hammer's Home!

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the next Joker?

Hockey Fights

The How Of Graying Hair

My wife noticed my first couple of gray hairs about a week ago and, after crying for a solid 2-3 days, I finally got around to readying this study published by a group of European scientists on how it happens. Unfortunately, wisdom has nothing to do with the graying process, but peroxide does. Here’s what the group found using cultures of human hair follicles. Peroxide is normally produced by all cells but is usually broken down into less harmful products (water and oxygen) by an enzyme called catalase. As we age, the levels of catalase in the hair follicles decrease leading to a buildup of peroxide and the graying of our hair. So, it's just like the bleaching process Marilyn used (see that wasn't just an excuse to post a Marilyn photo). The usual protective and melanin replacement mechanisms involve the enzymes MSR and tyrosinase, but they are present at levels that are too low to handle the damage the excess peroxide causes. So, now I’m running to the store to buy a big jug of catalase and dump it into my shampoo!! I hope my hair doesn’t turn red (catalase is a dark red color), but if it does, just call me Copper Top!
Free Journal Access Doesn’t Mean Much Wider Audience????

This team of researchers found that if a journal was published in an open source journal vs. a subscription based journal it was going to result in an increase in use of only about 10%. Funnily enough, this study was published in Science, a subscription based journal that I don't subscribe to so I couldn't read the entire article. Anyway, I find this pretty easy to believe as good open source journals like PLOS have only been around for a few years whereas all these fee-based journals have been entrenched in the scientific community for about a hundred years. I know I pay about $200 per year for a subscription to one particular journal and would go broke if my company didn’t pay for access to other journals in my field. I understand the need to recoup the costs of publishing a journal, but the time will come when print based journals are no longer around and, hopefully, prices will come down or they might even be free like PLOS.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
DME Expression at the BBB

Fog City Wrestling Next Saturday, 2pm!!
Shopping Cart Mishap

Stem Cell Treatment Caused Cancer

Superior Detection Method for Water Poisons Using Lab-on-a-chip

UCLA Researchers Pinpoint Osama's Likely Hideout

Cheapest Cat Toys

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Calling Sarah Palin!! Goodwill is still waiting!!
A story about my Mom

Alfred Russel Wallace

Warfarin Resist Rats!
The Bonds vs US fiasco

Bay to Breakers

The amazing life of Fridtjof Nansen

The re-emerging interest in bison

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Scaredy Cat!!
Lightning on Wheaties!!
Healthy Donuts!!??

I like the direction this area of research is headed! Basically, super small particles, called nanoparticles (one would probably be invisible to the naked eye), would be used to deliver desirable ingredients in the donut to be absorbed while forcing unwanted particles to pass right on through the body. This way, you could eat a donut and all the bad stuff would not be absorbed. Voila! A healthy donut! Although, I don’t know what ingredient in a Krispy Kreme would be desirable. Maybe they could be fortified with omega-3 fatty acids or cod liver oil. In any event, creation of this healthy donut is probably quite a few years out.
If you are aggressive, then your dog will be too

This recent study followed dog owners that used aggressive methods to train their aggressive pets found that the pets will continue to be aggressive. Shocking, I know. I can’t imagine why a dog would become complacent and docile if the owner is continually hitting them or kicking them or staring them down. I would expect the poor dog to become aggressive right back! See Michael Vick
Wacky Item of the Week
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Funny News Item of the Day
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
King Tut at the De Young Museum
Indian Wolfy
Unsolved Killings in SF

New Guidelines Needed on Cholesterol Levels??