Look closely at this picture and you will notice a guy in the stands holding up a sign that reads "Joe Farted." I don't know why someone would take the time to write that and then bring it outside the home! Also, not the girl in the red sweater on the right. Her sign read "It's My Birthday Today" and she never put it down throughout the 3 hour show. Who the hell is Joe anyway?
hey man! i was so suprised when a friend of mine sent me this pic. its me holding up the joe farted sign!! there is a long story behind this...if you care to read about it, ill share!! about 9 years ago WWE came to oakland for a raw. Taker and i think it was matt hardy was the main event with the title up for grabs. this friend of mine, named joe, is an undertaker FANATIC. -side note- joe hates farting. period. when people do it, he will leave the room to do it. but anyway...i told him i was bringing a sign to raw saying "joe farted". he was furious that i actually brought it. at the end of the show when taker beat hardy....taker help up the belt...and there i was! 1/4 of the screen "joe farted" right next to taker holding the belt. priceless. to this day every show i go to...i bring the sign...
Almost Perfect
AP - That is HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteand i am a friend of the 1st anonymous poster - this is the joe in question http://www.myspace.com/14548310 the man is a bit of a joke around town.