My wife noticed my first couple of gray hairs about a week ago and, after crying for a solid 2-3 days, I finally got around to readying this study published by a group of European scientists on how it happens. Unfortunately, wisdom has nothing to do with the graying process, but peroxide does. Here’s what the group found using cultures of human hair follicles. Peroxide is normally produced by all cells but is usually broken down into less harmful products (water and oxygen) by an enzyme called catalase. As we age, the levels of catalase in the hair follicles decrease leading to a buildup of peroxide and the graying of our hair. So, it's just like the bleaching process Marilyn used (see that wasn't just an excuse to post a Marilyn photo). The usual protective and melanin replacement mechanisms involve the enzymes MSR and tyrosinase, but they are present at levels that are too low to handle the damage the excess peroxide causes. So, now I’m running to the store to buy a big jug of catalase and dump it into my shampoo!! I hope my hair doesn’t turn red (catalase is a dark red color), but if it does, just call me Copper Top!
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