Technology is making it possible for things to get smaller and smaller every day and, consequently, we now have lab-on-a-chips. A group in Tel Aviv has constructed these miniaturized chips (about 1/4 inch squared in size) with an intricate system based on bacteria that sends out a signal when it detects a water poison such as an environmental pollutant, chemical or biological warfare agent, or bacteria. These tiny chips can then be used to monitor the quality of the water in real time rather than when it's too late. And, it is a much more humane method than the 'ol canary in a coalmine technique. Very cool! I would like to see them extend it to the process of wine-making. I imagine putting these micro-sensers in the casks of wine as they ferment and then sending out a signal to the winemaker when it's ready. I need to get me a few of these!
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